Saturday, December 15, 2007

Here is one of my articles from August. I do periodic pieces on global warming.

Knowing your carbon impact increasingly important
By Mark Boslet
Mercury News
Article Launched: 08/27/2007 01:37:48 AM PDT

Never mind the carbon footprint, needled the New York Times earlier this month when Nicolas Sarkozy, the new president of France, whisked to Paris and back to the United States hours later.

Sarkozy jaunted to a funeral from his vacation hideaway in New Hampshire and then to Kennebunkport, Maine, where he had lunch with President Bush the following day.

Global warming, indeed.

A typical commercial flight to Paris and back to the East Coast coughs out at least a couple of thousand pounds of carbon dioxide per person or a significant share of the 26,000 pounds experts say an average Californian generates in a year. Carbon dioxide is the most prevalent of the greenhouse gases building up in the Earth's atmosphere.


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